Conditions in India are good so far as the strength of civil disobedience is concerned, but they are truly deplorable so far as Hindu-Muslim unity is concerned. Hitherto all effort at reconciliation has failed and we sorely need the goodwill of the whole world and especially of Mussalmans. They can by sheer strength of friendliness shame both the communities into coming to agreement. My expectations of the Conference are zero if I am to base them on a survey of the horizon. But being an optimist I am hoping that something will turn up to make the conference a success from the national Indian standpoint. In the event of failure there can be only one consequence—revival of civil disobedience and suffering for the people of a much bitterer type than last year. The Congress is prepared to pay the cost whatever it may be for gaining freedom. My message to the Nationalists of Egypt is: Like us you are an ancient people. I hope you will not slavishly copy all that is Western. If I have understood the events of your country correctly real freedom for Egypt has still to come and I feel sure that if you can appreciate and assimilate the method of non-violence and truth in matters political, you will surely reach your goal much quicker than by any other method I know. And if I may humbly put it I would like to say that Egypt will come to her own much more quickly if India gains true deliverance in the course of the next twelve months. It is my firm belief that if India gains her freedom through non-violence and truth it will mean a great deal to the whole world certainly to all the Eastern nations. C.W.M.G : Vol. 53